Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Quantum View

They say that man’s creativity has a limit and that all art forms have already been invented and discovered… nothing new anymore… what is new is a manner or way of combining previous forms…. Like experimenting with food or music called fusion.

Indeed fusion is today’s artistic language. But what is the spirit of fusion?

In physics, fusion means, “ a thermonuclear reaction to which nuclei of light atoms join to form nuclei of heavier atoms…”

Thermonuclear is a chemical or physical (physics) process that is capable of producing very high temperatures resulting from fusion.

* * *
Art is a psychical process of the collective. We may wish to view today’s fusion as reflective of the collective psyche.

And what is the nature of this thing called fusion? This great psychic conflict that puts the great forces of the world created by man against the world created by God….or the high (temperature) tension between the larger more powerful collective unconscious versus the smaller collective consciousness!

From a Jungian point of view…. where lies the dark shadows repressed through time… a kind of collective insanity may arise….if Art and its importance is not given its regard in the natural order of things…

-Taken from Rachel Mayo's June 21st post
/ Art Today & a Looming Collective Breakdown

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